As an “all-in-one” solution, we strive to cover the most helpful functions in one solution. Suitable for online offers and face-to-face events & packaged in a modern Single Page Application (SPA).
1 Sales & Marketing
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
Training Marketplaces
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
Eventplatforms & Ticketing
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
Live Video Streaming
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
Learning Management
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
Customer Satisfaction
- Public Marketplace
- Public Profiles
- Optimized Offer Pages
- Website embedding (Widget)
2 Booking & Ticketing
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Digital Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellations Management
- Waitingslist & Pre-reg
- Lead Generation
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
Training Marketplaces
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
Eventplatforms & Ticketing
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
Live Video Streaming
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
Learning Management
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
Customer Satisfaction
- Online Booking
- Vouchers & Discounts
- Online Payment
- Automated Invoicing
- Individual Tickets
- Cancellation Management
- Waitinglists (Pre-reg)
- Lead Generation
3 Organisation & Management
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
Training Marketplaces
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
Eventplatforms & Ticketing
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
Live Video Streaming
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
Learning Management
- Kursverwaltung
- Teilnehmerverwaltung
- Trainerverwaltung
- Abos & Mitgliedschaften
- Anwesenheitskontrolle
- Einlass Management
Customer Satisfaction
- Course Management
- Attendee Management
- Trainer Management
- Subscriptions Mgnt.
- Attendance Management
- Entry Management
4 Learning & Collaboration
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
Training Marketplaces
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
Eventplatforms & Ticketing
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
Live Video Streaming
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
Learning Management
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
Customer Satisfaction
- Group Chats
- Online Modules
- Learning Sequences
- Live Broadcast (one-way)
- Virtual Classroom (two-way)
- SMS & Push-Invitation
5 Feedback & Retrospective
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Training Marketplaces
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Eventplatforms & Ticketing
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Live Video Streaming
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Learning Management
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Customer Satisfaction
- Feedback & Ratings
- Interactive Surveys
- Reports & Analytics
- Certificates
Get started with your own webinar platform, an e-learning marketplace or a modern online academy
Register in a few clicks and try it out for 30 days free of charge . After the 30-day trial period, some functions will be automatically blocked.
“W” for whitelabel: If you decide to go with a whitelabel setup, we will launch a dedicated platform for you. It runs under your domain and will be customized according to your wishes.
+43 660 778 779 1
Start chat with Support Team
Customers & Partners who trust us:
Digital Enabler for the L&D Industry
As curious people we want to support like-minded audience in the best possible way – that is why we love what we do.
Collaborative Education Management Platform
Your success motivates us. We are constantly working on improvements and also fulfill many extra wishes based on your requirements.
All-in-one Booking and Sales Solution
We are more than just a booking platform – we offer the all-in-one carefree package for your business.
Sie suchen die passende Lösung
- für Ihr Mitarbeiter Onboarding, effiziente Personalentwicklung oder zur professionellen Organisation von Kunden & Partnerevents?
- um schnell & einfach mit dem Verkauf von Videos, E-Learnings, Webinaren und Präsenztrainings Geld zu verdienen?
Ich stimme einer Kontaktaufnahme zu und habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen.
Over 100,000 educational offers have been handled by our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of Digital Learning & Development. Our unique, web-based "Whitelabel" solutions combine state-of-the-art live video streaming & e-learning services with e-commerce & online payment options.
courseticket GmbH
Schulerstraße 1-3/55
1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 660 778 779 0 ... 1st-Level Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sellers
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Whitelabel