We deliver your 100% customized learning platform & learning app
Take advantage of the essential benefits of a customized “all-in-one” educational platform with e-commerce power! Support self-driven, guided & collaborative learning via state-of-the-art learning experience based on innovative AI approaches.

Corporate Learning & Development
Solution to take internal knowledge and education management to the next level
for corporates, sme, associations/unions, institutions, ministries, …

Education Marketing & Monetization
Solution to distribute your knowledge and content online completely automated
for education providers, lecturers, content providers, universities, …
… or are you looking for a platform that can do both?
We deliver the next generation of learning experience platforms to you

Spread the word with minimal organizational effort …
interactive learning formats (SCORM, xAPI, H5P), video masterclasses (ACC/H.264), live webinars (Webex™, Zoom™, Teams™, …) & face-to-face events
and address new target groups besides your employees, partners & customers via …
fully automated booking processes, flexible subscription models & secure online payment (credit card, online banking, SEPA, invoice, …)

GDPR compliant & adherence to highest security standards
Our partners benefit from our customized “all-in-one” solution for their business development (e.g. education management, employee experience, e.g. LMS), their digital education networks & education marketplaces (e.g. Academy, Campus, Customer Experience, e.g. LXP) or educational events for the efficient dissemination of educational offers …
… via a dedicated, highly scalable & secure IT infrastructure without any service & maintenance expenses!
All the features in one “all-in-one” package.
Transparent Enterprise Service Level
I agree to be contacted and have taken note of the data protection declaration.
from 380€ per month
- 250 Monthly Active Users (MAUs) included *
* above 250 MAUs starting at 1,40€ /user/month or according to infrastructure costs used - High-end infrastructure & hosting
- Secure data storage & automated backups
- Ongoing updates & 24/7 support
- State-of-the-art payment interfaces & (video) APIs
- Compatibility with latest e-learning standards
The unique multi-tenant capability allows you to build a scalable marketplace or educational network!
Creating the solutions of tomorrow together.
The most flexible booking processes adapted to your own target group(s)
Open interface for individual content & external tools.
Already fully integrated and immediately usable

In the future, any external e-learning offering can be integrated into your learning experience solution via the IMS LTI® 1.3 & LTI Advantage interface. In addition, the embedding of external platform content (e.g. LinkedIn Learning, Udemy) is possible.
The requirements of our customers & partners are important to us.
We are tackling the important issues together
Skills development has top priority
61% of HR leaders see reskilling & upskilling as the most important task – A flexible technical foundation & a modern employee experience are of paramount importance.
Source: Gartner “HR Priorities Survey
Innovative formats are a must
58% of HR managers are convinced – Digital learning forms & learning formats continue to gain importance in organizations, according to COVID-19.
Source: Continuing Education Report “B2B Survey HR and Personnel Managers”.
Minimize administrative effort
48% have too little time in employee development – Organizational challenges underpin the importance of efficient, simple digital management.
Source: LinkedIn Learning “Workplace Learning Report”.
Keep track of all activities via state-of-the-art user experience.

Skills Assessments
Evaluation for groups & individuals

Learning Paths & Skill Profiles
Individual compilation of educational offers

Booking Overview
Private “Netflix-styled” user interface

Personalized Playlists
AI-based adaptive sequences of learning opportunities.

Private set training path

Groups & Employees
Summary of current learning progress & bookings
Benefit from the most time-efficient management of your data.

Learning Progress
Evaluation for offers & individuals, assessment Assignments.

Session check-ins & active participations

Subscriptions & Licenses
Current subscriptions & issued/open licenses

Participants & sales, tickets & invoices

Surveys & Questionnaires
Evaluation of interactive questionnaires, automated sending out

Coupons & Promotions
Creation of individual reductions or credits

Waiting Lists
Booking statuses & non-binding advance bookings

Trainers & Lecturers
Rights assignment (self-administration) & public profiles

Additional Services
Offer extended services & products
Play out all formats to your target audience(s) via one solution.

Learning Opportunities
Training course, course, webinar, video masterclass, e-learning, etc.

Learning Paths
optional/constructive higher-level learning paths consisting of offerings

Dates & Sessions
Face-to-face and/or online webinar sessions

Learning Packages
Collections of offers e.g. in recurring subscription

Online Modules
E-learning packages, video recordings, PDF, etc.

Learning Sequences
optional/building elementary modules (e.g. microlearnings)
Use direct communication channels for optimal support of your learners.

Push Messages
internal messaging system via participant lists

Chats & Q&A Boards
Peer-to-peer and group chats within offers

Feedbacks & Ratings
Individual feedback from former participants
Want to see the platform in action? You can test some of the listed functions free of charge for 30 days via https://www.courseticket.com. After the 30-day trial period, some features will lock out of fee-based upgrades or white label setups.
Contact our sales team:
+43 660 778 779 1
Not convinced yet?
Our solution has won multiple awards and is used by leading companies worldwide

More than 100,000 educational offers have been processed via our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of digital learning & development. In doing so, it combines state-of-the-art e-learning functions with flexible e-commerce & booking processes in its unique, web-based "white label" solutions.
courseticket Deutschland GmbH
Braugasse 12
50859 Köln Munich, Germany
courseticket GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Vienna, Austria
+43 660 778 779 0 ... Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sales
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Tech
Sie suchen die passende Lösung
- für Ihr Mitarbeiter Onboarding, effiziente Personalentwicklung oder zur professionellen Organisation von Kunden & Partnerevents?
- um schnell & einfach mit dem Verkauf von Videos, E-Learnings, Webinaren und Präsenztrainings Geld zu verdienen?
Ich stimme einer Kontaktaufnahme zu und habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen.