We deliver your 100% customized learning platform & learning app


Take advantage of the essential benefits of a customized “all-in-one” educational platform with e-commerce power! Support self-driven, guided & collaborative learning via state-of-the-art learning experience based on innovative AI approaches.

Benefit from leading expertise & innovation thanks to our strong partnerships & supporters:

Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Austria Wirtschaftsservice
Internet Privatstiftung

… or are you looking for a platform that can do both?

We deliver the next generation of learning experience platforms to you

Spread the word with minimal organizational effort …

interactive learning formats (SCORM, xAPI, H5P), video masterclasses (ACC/H.264), live webinars (Webex™, Zoom™, Teams™, …) & face-to-face events

and address new target groups besides your employees, partners & customers via …

fully automated booking processes, flexible subscription models & secure online payment (credit card, online banking, SEPA, invoice, …)

GDPR compliant & adherence to highest security standards

Our partners benefit from our customized “all-in-one” solution for their business development (e.g. education management, employee experience, e.g. LMS), their digital education networks & education marketplaces (e.g. Academy, Campus, Customer Experience, e.g. LXP) or educational events for the efficient dissemination of educational offers …

… via a dedicated, highly scalable & secure IT infrastructure without any service & maintenance expenses!

All the features in one “all-in-one” package.

Transparent Enterprise Service Level

I agree to be contacted and have taken note of the data protection declaration.

from 380€ per month

  • 250 Monthly Active Users (MAUs) included *
    * above 250 MAUs starting at 1,40€ /user/month or according to infrastructure costs used
  • High-end infrastructure & hosting
  • Secure data storage & automated backups
  • Ongoing updates & 24/7 support
  • State-of-the-art payment interfaces & (video) APIs
  • Compatibility with latest e-learning standards

The unique multi-tenant capability allows you to build a scalable marketplace or educational network!

Creating the solutions of tomorrow together.

The most flexible booking processes adapted to your own target group(s)

Business-to-Business-to-Employee (B2B2E)

Courseticket forms the basis of our B2B e-learning platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. Our customers particularly appreciated the intuitive usability and the fact that purchase and use take place in one system. The cooperation in the project was always constructive and pragmatic. We are already looking forward to the joint further development of the platform.

Christina Dresel Head of the Central Product Platforms Unit

Business-to-Employee (B2E) + B2B2E

As a software partner for epunkt, Courseticket is the ideal solution to offer our customers and employees our training program at a high level – internally and externally. The Learning Experience Platform is tailored to our individual needs and is versatile. Courseticket has absolutely proven itself as a partner at eye level.

Iris Heusl IT Project and Application Management

Business-to-Customer (B2C)

Automatic payment processing has reduced our administrative workload. The wide range of online payment options, such as credit card, PayPal and online bank transfer, has enabled us to address new target groups and save us a considerable amount of processing work.

Gustav Pospischil Deputy Head of Training Center

Business-to-Business-to-Employee (B2B2E)

With courseticket, the Saudi Arabian Chamber of Commerce was able to launch an e-learning marketplace that connects all SMEs and companies in Saudi Arabia with local and international education and training providers. All processes, such as booking, payment, billing and learning management are handled 100% automatically.

Abdullah Mashari CEO

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

With courseticket, existing classroom formats could be easily and efficiently supported with e-learning options and online modules. Automated webinar invitations, the associated participant management and the holding of live video courses make the solution the “perfect fit” for us. A transparent survey and feedback function additionally supports us in quality management.

Michael Unger CEO

Open interface for individual content & external tools.

Already fully integrated and immediately usable

In the future, any external e-learning offering can be integrated into your learning experience solution via the IMS LTI® 1.3 & LTI Advantage interface. In addition, the embedding of external platform content (e.g. LinkedIn Learning, Udemy) is possible.

The requirements of our customers & partners are important to us.

We are tackling the important issues together


Skills development has top priority

61% of HR leaders see reskilling & upskilling as the most important task – A flexible technical foundation & a modern employee experience are of paramount importance.

Source: Gartner “HR Priorities Survey


Innovative formats are a must

58% of HR managers are convinced – Digital learning forms & learning formats continue to gain importance in organizations, according to COVID-19.

Source: Continuing Education Report “B2B Survey HR and Personnel Managers”.


Minimize administrative effort

48% have too little time in employee development – Organizational challenges underpin the importance of efficient, simple digital management.

Source: LinkedIn Learning “Workplace Learning Report”.


Keep track of all activities via state-of-the-art user experience.

Skills Assessments

Evaluation for groups & individuals

Learning Paths & Skill Profiles

Individual compilation of educational offers

Booking Overview

Private “Netflix-styled” user interface

Personalized Playlists

AI-based adaptive sequences of learning opportunities.


Private set training path

Groups & Employees

Summary of current learning progress & bookings


Benefit from the most time-efficient management of your data.

Learning Progress

Evaluation for offers & individuals, assessment Assignments.


Session check-ins & active participations

Subscriptions & Licenses

Current subscriptions & issued/open licenses


Participants & sales, tickets & invoices

Surveys & Questionnaires

Evaluation of interactive questionnaires, automated sending out

Coupons & Promotions

Creation of individual reductions or credits

Waiting Lists

Booking statuses & non-binding advance bookings

Trainers & Lecturers

Rights assignment (self-administration) & public profiles

Additional Services

Offer extended services & products


Play out all formats to your target audience(s) via one solution.

Learning Opportunities

Training course, course, webinar, video masterclass, e-learning, etc.

Learning Paths

optional/constructive higher-level learning paths consisting of offerings

Dates & Sessions

Face-to-face and/or online webinar sessions

Learning Packages

Collections of offers e.g. in recurring subscription

Online Modules

E-learning packages, video recordings, PDF, etc.

Learning Sequences

optional/building elementary modules (e.g. microlearnings)


Use direct communication channels for optimal support of your learners.

Push Messages

internal messaging system via participant lists

Chats & Q&A Boards

Peer-to-peer and group chats within offers

Feedbacks & Ratings

Individual feedback from former participants

Want to see the platform in action? You can test some of the listed functions free of charge for 30 days via https://www.courseticket.com. After the 30-day trial period, some features will lock out of fee-based upgrades or white label setups.

Contact our sales team:

 +43 660 778 779 1

Not convinced yet?

Our solution has won multiple awards and is used by leading companies worldwide

More than 100,000 educational offers have been processed via our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of digital learning & development. In doing so, it combines state-of-the-art e-learning functions with flexible e-commerce & booking processes in its unique, web-based "white label" solutions.

courseticket Deutschland GmbH
Braugasse 12
50859 Köln Munich, Germany

courseticket GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 778 779 0 ... Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sales
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Tech

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