Experts in

We have been building digital online marketplaces since 2014! We are happy to support you with questions about functionality, features, online booking/payment or whitelabel setups.


We launched our solution as public “L&D marketplace for educational institutions & trainers”. Over 100.000 services provided by more than 3.000 partners & promoters have been booked & consumed till today via


We got honored by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG Staatpreis Multimedia & eBusiness) & Chamber of Commerce (WKO Born Global Champion, Mercur ICT Award).


We started to roll out our “Whitelabel” platform to major clients as a customizable SaaS solution set up in a dedicated cloud-based infrastructure (including continuous delivery processes).


We focused on our research about web-based real time communication (webRTC) to enable seamless integration of scalable live video streaming & collaboration.


We applied a major technology upgrade and serve our platform as a “Single Page Application” (SPA) based on design approaches & UX/UI frameworks used by leading web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin or Airbnb.


We deliver a customizable, cutting-edge “Learning Experience Platform” (LXP) supporting i.e. Cisco Webex API, xAPI/LRS standards, and other leading tools to enable any individual, SME or corporate to start their own “L&D marketplace” combining management/sales of online & offline events and services.


In the coming years, as one of 30+ selected project teams in the INVITE competition (Digital Platform for Continuing Professional Development), we may research and develop the future of educational platforms together with our project partners WBS TRAINING AG and Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences – supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany.

With EduPLEx_API (“Educational Predictive Analytics API for personalized #LXP Learning Experience Platforms”) we are creating a novel open-source API with the goal of transforming digital education networks and learning platforms into intelligent systems via a further development of the current e-learning standard xAPI in interaction with, among others, ESCO taxonomy and elaborated AI – keyword: Scalable Self-Driven Development & End-to-End Skills Alignment via multidimensional prediction mechanisms. Further details:

1-st Level Team (Support)

9:30 - 17:30 CET

+43 660 77 8 779 0

Technical Team

9:30 - 17:30 CET

+43 660 77 8 779 1

Sales Team

9:30 - 17:30 CET

+43 660 77 8 779 2

Operations Team

9:30 - 17:30 CET

+43 660 77 8 779 3

Standort Wien

Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Wien, Österreich

Standort München

Braugasse 12
50859 Köln, Deutschland

Comprehensive Experience in E-commerce and Learning & Development


Useable for employee onboarding and lead generation – closed & open


pplicable for traditional educational offers and digital learning – presence offer & E-Learning


Can be used for teaching material management and customer acquisition – education management & sales


Operated as a SaaS solution and still completely customizable – standard solution & individual solution

The most useful Functions packed in an innovative Platform

We have a strong partner network and rely on reliable, state-of-the-art technologies. Our cooperation partners include leading IT and payment service providers, such as Amazon Web Services, SIX Worldline Payment Services, Payfort Payment Services, as well as security testing company NCC Group (Last Assessment 2019).

Over 100,000 educational offers have been handled by our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of Digital Learning & Development. Our unique, web-based "Whitelabel" solutions combine state-of-the-art live video streaming & e-learning services with e-commerce & online payment options.

courseticket GmbH
Schulerstraße 1-3/55
1010 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 778 779 0 ... 1st-Level Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sellers
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Whitelabel