Open source modules for your future-proof digital learning environment


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We publish under open source license.

Benefit from the most innovative features provided as open source modules

Development field I

Interoperability of continuing education platforms & education networks

Development field II

Research and development of platform-related innovations & standards

Development field III

Developing and testing AI-supported teaching and learning opportunities

supported by:

Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Internet Privatstiftung

Expand your digital education architecture.

Current research & development under open source license

Unify Learning Data & Analytics

SCORM-to-xAPI Wrapper

  • due to the widespread use of the e-learning standard SCORM from the year 2000, backward compatibility must be ensured
  • the “SCORM-to-xAPI” wrapper can convert SCORM activities into machine-readable xAPI statements to enable consistent data storage
  • the module can be used in combination with any learning platform

Offer competence analysis

Skills Assessment Tool

  • Competency analysis tool (KYC) to better address learner needs
  • Analyze knowledge and competence growth of employees in companies and identify further needs
  • Forecast characteristics of tomorrow’s education market and derive an appropriate digital offering
  • Analyze and forecast learners’ competence and knowledge growth via matching to individual competence models
  • the module can be used in combination with any learning platform

Making user behavior traceable

User Behaviour Analytics Tracker

  • tracking tool to identify user journeys and user stories automatically
  • results from learning analytics & user behavior are transformed into advanced xAPI statements
  • these are stored and analyzed in the same data repository
  • user behavior (user behaviourial analytics) can vary depending on the platform and lead to incremental, automated schema extensions

Provide AI-based recommendation system

Recommendation Engine Module

  • deploy AI-based recommendation system
  • applicability to personas (automated profiling) and, among other things, through adaptation to ESCO classifications (Skills, Competencies & Occupations)
  • reinforcement learning approach by identifying how a person (interested in further education) should combine his further learning in order to maximize his learning success or his competence

Make AI-powered predictions

Reporting & Predictive Analytics

  • ex-post reporting on learning behavior and learning progress
  • future-oriented statements on continuing education behavior and the continuing education market
  • predictions on the development of general learning behavior, on the demand for various digital learning formats and on economic effects (supply vs. demand)
  • trend analyses that benefit all stakeholders and increase the sustainability of the educational offering

Ensure data sovereignty

SSI EduWallet

  • for organizations: meaningful application of the “Self-Sovereign Identity” approach, low-threshold “KYC” check, basis for personalization of digital learning environments
  • for learners: easy identification/authentication on (learning) platforms, sharing of personal learning history and recording of collected competencies,  secure exchange of personal data
  • for community: compatibility of learning histories, interoperability between (learning) platforms, make learning (education & training) more efficient

in cooperation with …

We have been working with market-leading organizations since 2014.

Customers & partners who trust us

We deliver your customized, scalable learning platform based on state-of-the-art technologies and secure IT infrastructure – launch your digital learning environment that will inspire your own employees. The user experience (UX) outshines all other platforms on the market.

Do you want to convince yourself?

Since 2021 part of the meta-project “National Education Platform”.

We deliver the next generation of digital education solutions

In the future, interoperability will play an essential role in networking platforms, learning content & competencies. Adaptive learning paths & recommendation systems should therefore not be considered as self-contained systems, but rather provide benefits across diversified learning environments.

In the EduPLEx_API project, we create an open technology that enables to capture offers/demands, interactions as well as learning behaviors across one or more learning platforms in a more transparent way and provides further “learning opportunities” via AI-driven recommendations. The goal is to make self-directed, guided and collaborative learning more efficient with minimal effort.

Under the umbrella of the German Federal Ministry of Education & Research, we research and develop the next generation of learning platforms and make the results available under an open-source license.

Innovation is part of our DNA.

5x in a row among the most innovative companies of the year

More than 100,000 educational offers have been processed via our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of digital learning & development. In doing so, it combines state-of-the-art e-learning functions with flexible e-commerce & booking processes in its unique, web-based "white label" solutions.

courseticket Deutschland GmbH
Braugasse 12
50859 Köln Munich, Germany

courseticket GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 778 779 0 ... Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sales
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Tech

Our innovative technical approach and current research & development are supported by: