Arrange a live product demo


Based on your requirements, we simulate your use cases in a live product demo and show efficient & successful real-world approaches via “best practice” examples.

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… or use the direct appointment selection

We will send you a Zoom meeting link to your specified email address directly after you select the date. Alternatively, we can also offer Webex or teams.

Market leaders who trust us

… since 2014 we cooperate with innovative companies & organizations

More than 100,000 educational offers have been processed via our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of digital learning & development. In doing so, it combines state-of-the-art e-learning functions with flexible e-commerce & booking processes in its unique, web-based "white label" solutions.

courseticket Deutschland GmbH
Braugasse 12
50859 Köln Munich, Germany

courseticket GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 778 779 0 ... Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sales
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Tech

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