Re- & upskilling via your own “corporate-driven” learning experience platform


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Creating tomorrow’s solutions together.

Why rely on a leading platform technology?

replace rigid learning environments ...

Intelligent Skills Alignment & End-to-End Skills Alignment for your employees

avoid complex management & operation ...

State-of-the-art user experience for optimal trainer and learner engagement

allow self-directed learning ...

Scalable self-driven development to reduce the workload of HR & Education Managers

new learning formats & media support ...

Achieve maximum learning success with digital & collaborative learning tools

The next generation of enterprise learning platforms.

Advantages for HR managers 

Savings potential & resource efficiency

Tailor-made “all-in-one” solution

  • 100% digital “high-performance” education management
  • custom employee experience & learning journeys
  • “self-driven” talent management for reskilling & upskilling
  • customizable layouts (UI) and native “masterclass”-app (iOS/Android)

Employee retention & satisfaction

Adaptive learning paths & personalized playlists

  • AI-supported, self-directed learning and peer-2-peer knowledge sharing
  • individualization through predefined skill profiles, learning paths or career paths
  • larning opportunities based on personal skills and preferences
  • skill gap & skill matching via assessments (ESCO compatibility)

Flexibility of the learning offer & learning formats

Cutting-edge e-learning interfaces

  • Netflix-style personalized learning environment
  • automated learning progress tracking (SCORM-to-xAPI)
  • support for latest e-learning standards (including SCORM, xAPI/Tincan, H5P)
  • direct integration with Zoom, Webex and Teams API

Not convinced yet?

Our solution has won multiple awards and is used by leading companies worldwide

Innovative Dashboards

Behalten Sie alle Aktivitäten über modernste User Experience im Überblick.

Skills Assessments

Auswertung für Gruppen & Individuen 

Lernpfade & Skill Profile

Individuelle Zusammenstellung von Bildungsangeboten


Privates “Netflix-styled” User Interface

Personalisierte Playlists

KI-basierte adaptive Abfolgen von Learning Opportunities

Akkreditierung & Zertifikate

Vordefinierte Ausbildungspfade

Gruppen & Mitarbeiter:innen

Zusammenfassung aktueller Lernfortschritte & Buchungen

Einfache Verwaltung

Profitieren Sie von der zeiteffizientesten Verwaltung Ihrer Daten.


Auswertung für Angebote & Individuen, Bewertung Assignments

Abos & Einzelbuchungen

laufende Abonnements & Buchungsübersicht


Session Check-ins & aktive Teilnahmen

Bildungsguthaben & Promos

Individuelle Guthaben & motivierende Incentives

Umfragen & Fragebögen

Auswertung interaktiver Fragebögen, automatisierte Aussendung

Trainer:innen & Lektor:innen

Rechtevergabe (Selbstverwaltung) & öffentliche Profile

Vielfältige Angebote

Spielen Sie alle online/offine Formate über eine Lösung an Ihre Mitarbeiter:innen aus.

Learning Opportunities

Lehrgang, Kurs, Webinar, Video Masterclass, E-Learning, etc.


optionale/aufbauende übergeordnete Lernpfade bestehend aus Angeboten

Termine & Sessions

Präsenztermine und/oder online Webinar Sessions


Kollektionen von Angeboten z.B. im wiederkehrenden Abonnement

Online Module

E-Learning Pakete, Videoaufzeichnungen, PDF, etc.


optionale/aufbauende elementare Module (z.B. Microlearnings)

Direkte Kommunikation

Nutzen Sie moderne Kollaborationsmöglichkeiten zur optimalen Betreuung Ihrer Lerner:innen.

Push Nachrichten

internes Messaging System über Teilnehmerlisten

Chats & Boards

Peer-to-Peer und Gruppenchats innerhalb Angebote

Bewertungen & Feedback

individuelle Rückmeldungen durch ehemalige Teilnehmer:innen

We have been working with market-leading organizations since 2014.

Customers & partners who trust us

We deliver your customized, scalable learning platform based on state-of-the-art technologies and secure IT infrastructure – launch your digital learning environment that will inspire your own employees. The user experience (UX) outshines all other platforms on the market.

Do you want to convince yourself?

Since 2021 part of the meta-project “National Education Platform”.

We deliver the next generation of digital education solutions

In the future, interoperability will play an essential role in networking platforms, learning content & competencies. Adaptive learning paths & recommendation systems should therefore not be considered as self-contained systems, but rather provide benefits across diversified learning environments.

In the EduPLEx_API project, we create an open technology that enables to capture offers/demands, interactions as well as learning behaviors across one or more learning platforms in a more transparent way and provides further “learning opportunities” via AI-driven recommendations. The goal is to make self-directed, guided and collaborative learning more efficient with minimal effort.

Under the umbrella of the German Federal Ministry of Education & Research, we research and develop the next generation of learning platforms and make the results available under an open-source license.

Innovation is part of our DNA.

5x in a row among the most innovative companies of the year

More than 100,000 educational offers have been processed via our solutions to date - from traditional face-to-face seminars to complex e-learning sequences. Since 2014, courseticket GmbH has established itself as a leading technology provider in the field of digital learning & development. In doing so, it combines state-of-the-art e-learning functions with flexible e-commerce & booking processes in its unique, web-based "white label" solutions.

courseticket Deutschland GmbH
Braugasse 12
50859 Köln Munich, Germany

courseticket GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 126/20
1070 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 778 779 0 ... Support
+43 660 778 779 1 ... Sales
+43 660 778 779 2 ... Tech

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